Amanda Jacobs
Member since Jan 17, 2023
United States
good-natured and well-intentioned, self-confident and vain, glamorous, seductive, darkly thoughtful, and equally deceased. My strength in writing includes: using better words to describe what I’m writing about, spelling complex words, creativity, and passion. I use strong words in the right context, but I lack the ability to choose the absolute best words. Along with this, I’m not always the most confident when writing. Writing helps translate exactly how I feel into words so that when others read my writing, they get a solid idea of how I feel and/or what my intentions are. Overall, writing is one of the best ways of communication when compared to just talking to someone. When you talk to someone in a casual way, your words aren’t going to be as organized as a causal paper would be. But, there 's also a downside to writing a letter to someone compared to speaking to them, because, when you speak to someone, you show emotion through facial expressions and gestures; a paper cannot show emotion very well, which is why text messages can be easily
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