Introduction: In a world filled with unique individuals, some shine brighter than others, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of existence. a true embodiment of passion, perseverance, and boundless curiosity, stands among those exceptiona...
Award-winning writer with a passopn for storytelling. Born and raised in the small town of Roanoke Rapids, NC, I develped a love of language and literature at an early age. After earning a degree in English from North Carolina State University, I beg...
I am here to make a few bucks and to write about a little bit of everything. I am not sure what else to write in here. If there are any questions you would like to ask me please feel free.
My name is Joe Maristela, and I'm an expert writer with experience in a broad range of fields, topics, formats, and styles. As a highly versatile writer, I've written everything from technical manuals to creative fiction, academic papers to m...
I currently type at 185WPM with 99% accuracy, and work full time as an Office Administrator. Any computer type side job I can get I love. I have a lot of free time on my hands.
When writing freelance jobs, it is important to have a clear and consistent writing style. This will help ensure that the work you produce is of a high quality and is easily understood by the reader. A good writing style should be concise and to th...
I used to want to be a comedian and now work in the business world and am able to write in a smart, articulate way about a specific topic. I can write comedy pieces confidently. Writing is a passion of mine.
I am very creative and have many i...